The stories of global events are often found in the objects left behind: artifacts in museums, keepsakes passed through families, homes that withstood war, famine, or plague. The COVID-19 pandemic has forced many of us to find new meaning in the spaces we inhabit and the objects that surround us.
“Grounded: The Pandemic Archive” is a living archive of the objects that tell stories of home and hardship amid the crises of health and justice.
We invite you to explore the featured gallery and collective archive to discover objects and spaces that help capture the stories of this historic time.
The Gallery offers an artistic representation of several submissions to explore the possibilities of a digital exhibit. See The Archive to view all stories in their original form.
The Gallery offers an artistic representation of several submissions to explore the possibilities of a digital exhibit. See The Archive to view all stories in their original form.
Home office
Scrabble Set
Punching Bag
Candle Set
Potted Plant
Harry Potter 7
River Pebble
Metro Pass
Journal Collage